Okay so i decided to post more of my photographs
[Of course keep in mind, I did use Photoshop CS3 on most of these.]
And that adorable dog up there is my little Rocky, that picture is one of the only pictures I actually didn't do anything but crop it. Came out good too. He's soo photogenic haha
The dog behind him is his mother Jady. I need to take more pictures of her, but she doesn't like taking pictures :(
*FYI: The beach I was at was called Ventnor Beach.

back and fourth away from the water, towardsss the water, awayyyy from the
water, etc etc.
What a funny site to see these birds do that.

Ok this I'm still a little ehhhhh about. How the hell do crabs lose their shells???
So I'm guessing crabs shed?? lool The things you learn from just
going to the beach!

bird really close to the road. Not on the road of course. I quickly took my camera and shot it.
I was soooo sure I didn't catch it but when i looked closer it came out sharp and non-blurry :D
wooot SUCCESS!