Tuesday, February 12, 2008

First day of blogger?

So a friend says "blogspot is all the rage nowdays" and I'm like "hmm I'm bored"
[Searches google for 'blogspot']
[comes up with blogger]
"that doesn't seem right..."
[searches again]

[and again..]
[one more time..]
"ok i give up. lets see what this blogger shit is.."

Well we all know just about what happened next.
And so my journey continues here in the Blogger world, what to do other then post some of my art work since that's what was told as a advice.
Thanks Dan.. I think lol
Maybe this is the beginning of my destruction.
Oh well.

About a week ago I went to Atlantic City to visit my ex-boyfriend. Was fun, took some pictures at the beach, yes it was pretty damn cold. Just not as bad as 10F. Anyways yeah, these are a bit touched up on Photoshop CS3 since well thats what we do these days basically. We use photoshop for just about anything. If it were a seasoning for food, it be used as that too, trust me.

Why did I make a blogger? I have nooooooooo idea..

1 comment:

dae lee said...

isnt this better than xanga or whatever else people used when they were in middle/high school?
it's like the facebook of blogs. lets hope they dont screw blogger up with stupid applications xP.

cool pictures-i havent been to the beach in a looong time.
hope you put some artwork up if you're feeling slightly more productive haha